Domain Name Blog by Stack Eternal | India

What’s in the Domain Name?

Stack Eternal

What’s in the Domain Name? Well actually everything is in the Name.

Does your domain name make any difference to your SEO ranking? Yes, it definitely does. Your domain name is your calling card and hence should reflect who you are. It is very essential that your domain speaks your brand as it will impact the number and quality of the links you get. In fact strong domain name can help SEO by building links, brand, trust and conversions.

Now let us let us look at how to choose a domain name that impacts your SEO by increasing your traffic two fold.

  1. Keep it short

Smaller the better is a principle that one should always apply when looking for a domain name. Just think you are selling wholesome food online. or looks lot better than Another reason for keeping your domain name short is that it helps with link building. Because smaller your domain name is more character you have for link building.

  1. Domain Extension

Choosing an appropriate domain extension is as important as choosing the name. So spend some time and money when choosing an extension. You can always choose extension, however if it is very costly you can go local and choose or kind of extensions depending on your location.

  1. Make it a brand

Your domain need not be the company name. In fact better way is to name your domain after your brand. After all people remembers the brand and not your registered business name. If you can’t find an exact match to your brand name try to find something similar so that your customers can relate to it.

  1. Keyword

You need to tread very carefully here. Because having a keyword in your domain might seem like a good SEO, but google does not like low quality exact match domains and might punish you by lowering your rank. So you can use a keyword if it is very small but please avoid using the exact match.

  1. Avoid numbers and hyphens

Needless to say your domain should be easy to remember. Because if users cannot remember your address they cannot visit you also. And study shows it is far easier to remember simple words that contains just alphabets than those which also have special characters.

Image :- Pexels


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